Well the last year has changed this a little hasn’t it!
WizeHire gets a $250m valuation, new entrants pop up globally and ATS is now sexy, right?! https://www.finsmes.com/2022/05/wizehire-raises-30m-in-series-b-funding.html
Well no not quite but there is a trend of ATS product led companies, who have built purely as a tech play, with customer at the centre of the product design and development.
- Dull, boring and rigid workflow
- One version to fit any industry – fundamentally flawed
- Focussed on elements of the End2End journey but lots of offline costly processes
- On premise deployment which is costly, takes time, nightmare to upgrade
Incumbents and what good looks like
- Simple workflow designed around market and customer needs
- Specialised in industries they serve
- End2End user journey
- Cloud native
For a demo of a world where you can say hello but aren’t stuck listening about train’s click below:
Learn more about our ATS – https://myproductpath.com/ats/
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